Our Mining Services

We offer quality from the ground up. And down. At McGeorge Contracting Company, safety is at the core of everything we do. That commitment is designed to protect our people – and yours – but it also impacts every aspect of our work, from operating and maintaining equipment to following environmentally sound practices.

Types of Projects

  • Mine Design
  • Stripping
  • Mineral Exploration


  • Design-Build
  • Survey
  • Erosion Control
  • Clearing & Grubbing
  • Earthwork
  • Compaction
  • Storm Drainage
  • Fine Grading
  • Crushed Aggregates

Our Promise

All projects and services are delivered through a team of safe and experienced engineers, operators, surveyors, mechanics and oilers. McGeorge Contracting Company regularly updates its heavy equipment and surveying capabilities to maximize uptime and deliver efficient results on time, every time.

Contact Us

Questions? Fill out this brief form and one of our team members will respond promptly.


Join Our Team

We offer competitive pay and benefits with long-term stability and advancement opportunities.

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